Zilin Qian

by | May 29, 2019 | 同工介紹 | 0 comments

錢子霖師母, 現任美國遠東廣播公司中文事工部家庭事工協調專員, 達拉斯神學院聖經神學碩士在讀。加入遠東前在IT行業做資料工作、運維開發工程師和技術經理。錢子霖師母與丈夫結婚25年,參與婚姻家庭事工16年。三孩子(Joseph) 20歲 就讀大學二年級,Rebecca 18歲 將要在秋季入讀大學和Annabelle 15歲。

Zilin Qian, currently serving as the Chinese Family Ministry Coordinator at Far East Broadcasting Company, is at the same time pursuing MBTS degree at Dallas Theological Seminary. Before joining Far East Broadcasting Company, she worked in the IT industry as a data scientist, DevOps engineer, and technical lead. Qian Zilin has been married to her husband for 25 years and has been involved in marriage and family ministry for 16 years. They have three children: 20, 18, and 15.